
Here are some links to my books, first the books I have written or edited and then books to which I have contributed:



What do Christians believe?

In this book, written for the reader looking for quick practical insights into the beliefs and practices of Christianity, Malcolm Guite offers a lucid summary and interpretation of the Christian faith. Jesus himself identified love as the essential element in both worship and daily life. Using this teaching, and the core Christian belief that Jesus was God’s way of opening himself to humanity, Guite explains the inner meaning of such key Christian teachings as atonement, redemption and the concept of God as Trinity.

What Do Christians Believe? To buy a copy, visit  Amazon there is also an American Edition published by Walker Books available Here What Do Christians Believe has also been translated into Greek, Finnish, and Dutch

Faith Hope and Poetry Now in Paperback! FHP Paperback

Faith hope and Poetry

“Guite is taking us on a liberating voyage into our poetic inheritance,” The Tablet You can also read a full review in the Tablet here

Then here are two collections of my own poetry:

Sounding the Seasons    Canterbury Press. 2012

The Singing Bowl   Canterbury Press. 2013

singing bowl


And here are two seasonal anthologies I have edited giving a poem a day for the seasons of Advent/ Christmas, and Lent/Easter

Waiting on the Word

263540_aiting on the word

Word in the Wilderness

A Poem a Day for Lent and Easter


I have contributed, chapters, essays or poems to the following books:

C. S. Lewis and His Circle: Essays and Memoirs from the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society Hardcover – 2 Jul 2015

Lewis circle

Women and C.S. Lewis: What His Life and Literature Reveal for Today’s Culture

women lewis

The Bright Field: Readings, reflections and prayers for Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity and Ordinary Time Paperback – 30 May 2014

bright field cover


Reflections on the Psalms Paperback – 30 May 2015


Read more about the book  here.



Faithful Performances

The metaphor of performance has been applied fruitfully by anthropologists and other social theorists to different aspects of human social existence, and furnishes a potentially helpful model in terms of which to think theologically about Christian life.

Malcolm has contributed a chapter entitled ‘Our truest poetry is our most feignin… poetry, playfulness and truth’To learn more about this book, or to buy a copy, visit the Ashgate Books website at www.ashgate.comor buy it here from Amazon

Beholding The Glory

‘Here is a spendid contribution to a white-hot theological topic: the relationship between theology and the arts. In this book, a multi-faceted illumination is achieved by the distinguished contributors, who shine their spotlights not only on God’s truth as revealed in Jesus Christ, but upon the dynamic creativity of artists as they explore this truth in so many striking and stimulating ways. This is a compulsive read, richly rewarding, which made me realize the enormous importance of doing theology through the arts.’ Susan Howatch – author

To buy a copy of this book click this ink to Amazon

Reflections for Daily Prayer. I contributed to 14 meditations each to two volumes of reflections on the Church of England daily readings.

This one can be bought here

and this one can be bought here

A number of my poems appear in an excellent and timely book on living simply that others may simply live published by Canterbury Press

You can get it at Amazon here