A Sonnet for Trinity Sunday


Returning for a moment to my cycle of sonnets for the Church Year, here is one for Trinity Sunday.

By coming to us as the Son, revealing to us the Father, and sending to us the Spirit, Jesus revealed the deepest mystery; that God is not distant and alone, but is three in one, a communion of love who comes to make His home with us.

The Rublev Icon, above, shows the Three in One inviting us to share in that communion. If, as I believe, we are made in the image of God, as beings in communion with one another in the name of that Holy and Undivided Trnity whose being is communion, then we will find reflections and traces of the Trinitarian mystery in all our loving and making.

As usual you can hear the poem by clicking on the ‘play’ button if it appears or on the title of the poem.

Readers who are interested in my use of the word ‘coinherent’ will find out more by watching the video of my talk about the British theologian Charles Williams, a friend and fellow inkling of CS Lewis which can be found here.

This sonnet is drawn from my collection Sounding the Seasons, published by Canterbury Press here in England. The book is now back in stock on both Amazon UK and USA . It is now also out on Kindle. Please feel free to make use of this, and my other sonnets in church services and to copy and share them. If you can mention the book from which they are taken that would be great..

Trinity Sunday

In the Beginning, not in time or space,

But in the quick before both space and time,

In Life, in Love, in co-inherent Grace,

In three in one and one in three, in rhyme,

In music, in the whole creation story,

In His own image, His imagination,

The Triune Poet makes us for His glory,

And makes us each the other’s inspiration.

He calls us out of darkness, chaos, chance,

To improvise a music of our own,

To sing the chord that calls us to the dance,

Three notes resounding from a single tone,

To sing the End in whom we all begin;

Our God beyond, beside us and within.

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Filed under imagination

4 responses to “A Sonnet for Trinity Sunday

  1. A very erudite priest I knew, who died about five years ago, could read the Bible in its original Hebrew and Greek. He said that the Greek of the New Testament referred to the Holy Ghost as “she”. As we are told all things come from God then the female must come from God. Apparently the change to the Holy Ghost as “he” came about a few hundred years later.

  2. sheilahashemi

    Thank you for sharing words of spiritual substance and significance.

    Listening and watching your talks on YouTube are a means of daily meditation and of genuine value. You add a human element by your jovial presence.

    More significantly, you enable all access to the wonderful world of literature and provide a spiritual home to turn to st the beginning and the end of the day.

    Much appreciated.

  3. Wyvill Scharenguivel


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    Hullo Bro Tazio,

    We were chatting abt the Trinity only the other day and I just got to this msge from the Revd Malcolm Guite…a Cambridge English scholar whom I met some years bk & privileged to be on his mailing list to enjoy his regular Christian Sonnets.

    He came to the Galle Lit Fest & afforded us the pleasure of his interpretation of The Ancient Mariner.

    And I thought of sharing this with u simply because u would enjoy the presence of the Divine in a blissful &:expanded state.

    Enjoy Bro & travel safe Bro.

    May yr God be with u. Wyvill.

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