A Tale of Two Gardens: a New Christmas Poem

Here is a new poem I wrote to go with a festival of lessons and carols which was part of a touring concert put on by Keith and Kristin Getty called ‘An Irish Christmas’. I was their guest for four of the shows on their tour and had the great joy of ‘premiering’ this poem at Carnegie Hall. I also paste in below a link to my little ‘Speak in the library youtube channel where you can hear me introduce and read the poem.

A Tale Of Two Gardens

A Tale Of Two Gardens

God gave us all a garden once
And walked with us at eve
That we might know him face to face
With no need to believe.

But we denied and hid from him
Concealing our own shame
Yet he still came to look for us
And call us each by name.

He found us where we hid from him
He clothed us in his grace
But still we turned our backs on him
And would not see his face.

So now he comes to us again
Not as a Lord most high
But weak and helpless as we are
That we might hear him cry.

And he who clothed us in our need
Lies naked in the straw
That we might wrap him in our rags
Whom once we fled in awe.

The strongest comes in weakness now
A stranger to our door
The king forsakes his palaces
And dwells amongst the poor.

And where we hurt he hurts with us
And when we weep he cries
He knows the heart of all our hurts
The inside of our sighs.

He does not look down from above
But gazes up at us
That we might take him in our arms
Who always cradles us.

And if we welcome him again
With open hands and heart
He’ll plant his garden deep in us
The end from which we start.

And in that garden there’s a tomb
Whose stone is rolled away
Where we and all we’ve ever loved
Were lowered in the clay.

But Lo! the tomb is empty now
And, clothed in living light,
His ransomed people walk with One
Who came on Christmas night.

So come Lord Jesus, find in me
The child you came to save
Stoop tenderly with wounded hands
And lift me from my grave.

Be with us all Emmanuel
And keep us close and true
Be with us till that Kingdom comes
Where we will be with you.

Here’s the youtube of me reading it:


Filed under imagination

40 responses to “A Tale of Two Gardens: a New Christmas Poem

  1. Charlie Kosla

    Really good to see you Malcolm, great poem.
    Happy Christmas!

  2. K R Wyllie

    Dear MAlcolm

    Thank you for this poem. I I feel you wrote it for me. Immanuel speaks to me through it, My son David died of a very aggressive brain tumour 2 days ago.


    Ruth Wyllie


  3. Graham Oakes

    My favourite line (for now) is:”
    ‘He knows the heart of all our hurts
    the inside of our sighs’

    Thank you Malcolm 😊

  4. Alister McReynolds

    Lovely poem —concentrated time frame has given very focussed view.
    Getty’s are from my home town of Lisburn and are tremendously talented.Their father was organist at the church that we used to belong to.
    Your YouTube sessions are very therapeutic.

  5. Here’s to something magical in the New Year!

  6. David C Brown

    Very good; a holy simplicity. Wonderful to see how the thought of a garden runs through the Scriptures: https://dcbverse.blogspot.com/2015/08/garden.html

  7. Thanks for posting this Malcolm. It was a treasure and treat to see you in NYC!

  8. Catherine Bond

    Hello Malcom, So thrilled that your poem Refugee was chosen by King Charles to be read at the Royal Carol service on TV. Hope even more people will look you up and discover you.

    I have been enjoying your Advent poetry book very much. I am proud to say I have managed to read a poem & commentary every day – the joys of retirement!

    Hoping you and your family had a lovely Christmas.

    Kind regards Catherine Bond

  9. Jennifer Marsico

    Merry Christmas Malcolm!!!
    Thank you for this poem and all of the work you share!! It is such a blessing to me!
    May the New Year be filled with blessings to you!
    Best Wishes,
    Jennifer Marsico

  10. Caroline Smith

    This is at once beautiful and an effective synopsis of the Christian message. Thank you!
    The Facebook post which led me here shows the last 2 stanzas only, which, for me, conjured up echoes of O Little Town of Bethlehem. Possibly a subconscious influence? I think it would be rather lovely sung, to that melody, by a single, pure voice, with simple guitar accompaniment, so as not to detract from the message?

  11. Rachael Went

    Beautiful poem about our wonderful Saviour! Thank you so much (and please give my love to Maggie!) xxx

  12. I hope it doesn’t come over the wrong way, but I think it would be interesting to change the last use of “kingdom” to “garden.” That would bring the poem full circle ending with a new creation garden of Revelation. Garden of Eden—>Garden Grave—Garden New Creation.

  13. Forrest William Atkins

    can I share it in a magazine? new poem old message a nativity poem without sentimental mush good to hear and see you first time since 1980

    • malcolmguite

      Thanks. You can share the link to this page but I intend to publish it in a magazine myself so it is already ‘spoken for’ M

      • fwatkins123@btinternet.com

        Thanks. And thanks for sharing on line. Lovely to see you, you probably don’t remember me , I was year below you at Habs. Bill

      • malcolmguite

        Ah. Habs in those days was a remarkable place. Great day school. Less so the boarding house.

      • fwatkins123@btinternet.com

        Posted it on our parish whats app group. Parishioners love it. I think it rings a note of real hope to people who had someone missing at Christmas.

  14. Ben Durand

    Thank you sir, this made my heart leap!

  15. John

    What a lovely poem, I know nothing of poetry, but I know the love of our saviour.
    You are blessed by our lord.
    Thank you.

  16. Allen Teal

    Hi Malcolm, I have just come across some of your poetry and have listened to you reading some of them. What a wonderful gift! Loved the “Tale of Two Gardens”. While I have always enjoyed poetry and the writing of, now that I am retired at 74yrs after many years of Christian ministry, I have more time to devote to this wonderful approach for expressing thought. Thank you for making your poems so available to read – I live in New Zealand.

  17. Jonathan Miller

    Hello, Malcolm,

    I really enjoyed this poem! It’s it so gratifiying to realize there are still great poets around. May God continue to bless your writing. Jonathan Miller, Oregon

  18. Drew

    We just saw you sharing on the Getty’s Christmas celebration. Your poem was such a blessing, so rich and deep. I have shared it with many friends. Thanks for blessing us with the creative gift God has given you in praise of Him.
    In His Love,
    Drew Miller

  19. Jennifer

    This is wonderful. What a gift this poem is! I will read every advent. Thank you.

  20. Lori Carmicle


    ISAIAH 9:6 (SAYS IT ALL!!)

  21. Vickie Gandiello

    Our pastor read this as our benediction this morning at church. Beautiful!

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