Three lovely settings of my Easter poems

To my amazement I received, on Easter Monday two years ago three separate links to beautiful performances of new musical settings of three poems of mine, all with an Easter theme, and I thought I would share them with you here. The first was a setting, by composer Zebulon Highben, of my sonnet Easter Dawn, performed beautifully by the choir of the chapel at Duke University as part of their Easter Sunday service.

Here it is:

The other two were performances by Girton choir of settings of a series of quatrains I wrote on the mysteries of Christ, one on Easter and another on the Ascension. Here are the words for my Easter Quatrain:


A stone flung in a pool makes waves of light

Until, like every life, it sinks alone.

They plunged Him too, into the pool of night,

Today His waves of light fling back the stone.

The setting is by the composer Cevanne Horrocks Hopayian, here it is:

And finally here is the Ascension piece:


Let there be light.  The light leaps up

That was in deepest darkness drowned.

There is no realm or kingdom now

In which the lost cannot be found.

The setting is by the composer Libby Croad, here it is, (I hope) the link is to facebook rather than youtube so you may have to follow through and find it there:

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Filed under imagination

3 responses to “Three lovely settings of my Easter poems

  1. Happy Easter…the Duke choir link didn’t show.  I’ll see if I can find it.  

    Sent from my iPhone


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  2. stephenjohnson929

    The links to your Easter Quatrains’ setting to music, today, Malcolm, did not appear in my email. Except the one to Facebook.

    Did you forget to include them or is there a technical glitch?

    Easter blessings, Stephen

    Sent from Outlook for Android ________________________________

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