O Adonai, my second Advent reflection and sonnet

O Adonai initial letterThe second of the ‘Great O’ Advent Antiphons, O Adonai, touches on the ancient title of  God himself, who was called ‘Adonai’, meaning Lord, in the Old Testament, because his sacred name, the four letters known as ‘The Tetragramaton’, could not be uttered by unworthy human beings without blasphemy. But the Advent Hope, indeed, the Advent miracle, was that this unknowable, un-namable, utterly holy Lord, chose out of His own free will and out of love for us, to become known, to bear a name, and to meet us where we are. The antiphon prayer reflects on the mysterious and awesome manifestations of God to Moses on the mountain in the sign of the burning bush. For early Christians this bush, full of the fire of God’s presence, yet still itself and unconsumed, was a sign of the Lord Christ who would come, who would be fully God and yet also fully human. I have tried to pick up on some of these themes in the sonnet I wrote in response to this antiphon. You should be able to hear the antiphon and the sonnet by clicking on the ‘play’ button below, or if that does not appear in your browser then click on the title of the poem and you will be taken to my audioboo page.

O Adonai, et Dux domus Israel,

qui Moysi in igne flammae rubi apparuisti,

et ei in Sina legem dedisti:

veni ad redimendum nos in brachio extento

O Adonai, and leader of the House of Israel,

who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush

and gave him the law on Sinai:

Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm

O Adonai

Unsayable, you chose to speak one tongue,

Unseeable, you gave yourself away,

The Adonai, the Tetragramaton

Grew by a wayside in the light of day.

O you who dared to be a tribal God,

To own a language, people and a place,

Who chose to be exploited and betrayed,

If so you might be met with face to face,

Come to us here, who would not find you there,

Who chose to know the skin and not the pith,

Who heard no more than thunder in the air,

Who marked the mere events and not the myth.

Touch the bare branches of our unbelief

And blaze again like fire in every leaf.

Blaze again like fire!

Thanks to Margot Krebs Neal for the beautiful photo above.For more information about the Advent Antiphons and the wisdom of the mediaeval mystics see Julia Bolton Holloway’s great site Umilita

To read and hear my first Advent sonnet O Sapientia click here


Filed under christianity, imagination, literature

8 responses to “O Adonai, my second Advent reflection and sonnet

  1. hello Malcolm, thankyou, very beautiful; I particularly really like the last two lines.

    • malcolmguite

      Thanks. That’s one of the advantages of this sonnet form, that you can really concentrate what you want to say into the last couple of lines!

  2. Pingback: Advent Poems « Parish Of Opawa St Martins Blog

  3. Pingback: Inspirations_0110 “Great O” Antiphons and Advent with Malcolm Guite « God's Word Blog-Creative Christians Podcast and Inspiration/Generations podcast sponsored by God's Word Collectible Gifts

  4. Pingback: O Adonai | Vox Veniae

  5. Pingback: The Wisdom of the Ages for Advent | Humane Pursuits

  6. Pingback: 18 December 2016 | O Adonaï | home

  7. Pingback: O Adonai – Preferring Nothing to Christ

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