‘Easter 2020’: A New Poem

A response to this poem by the artist Bruce Herman

Like all of us, I have been drawn deeply into this strange Easter when so much of the outwardly familiar has been taken away, and yet the inwardly familiar, the great Easter story of Death and Resurrection, has suddenly been renewed and become more agonisingly close, more vividly relevant to our lives than ever. But, like so many, I am deeply distressed at not being able to gather in church this morning, and to receive communion in community, to meet Christ ‘risen in bread, and revelling in wine’, as I put it in a sonnet long ago. But this Easter he calls me to discern him in new ways and in different places. He is risen indeed, and if I cannot go to church then where am I to find him? That is the question my new poem seeks to address, and if it is a question you ask yourselves too, then I hope you will find this poem helpful.

As always you can hear me read the poem by clicking on the title or the ‘play’ button

Easter 2020

And where is Jesus, this strange Easter day?

Not lost in our locked churches, anymore

Than he was sealed in that dark sepulchre.

The locks are loosed; the stone is rolled away,

And he is up and risen, long before,

Alive, at large, and making his strong way

Into the world he gave his life to save,

No need to seek him in his empty grave.


He might have been a wafer in the hands

Of priests this day, or music from the lips

Of red-robed choristers, instead he slips

Away from church, shakes off our linen bands

To don his apron with a nurse: he grips

And lifts a stretcher, soothes with gentle hands

The frail flesh of the dying, gives them hope,

Breathes with the breathless, lends them strength to cope.


On Thursday we applauded, for he came

And served us in a thousand names and faces

Mopping our sickroom floors and catching traces

Of that corona which was death to him:

Good Friday happened in a thousand places

Where Jesus held the helpless, died with them

That they might share his Easter in their need,

Now they are risen with him, risen indeed.


Filed under christianity, imagination, Poems

138 responses to “‘Easter 2020’: A New Poem

  1. Many ask what will change in our world as a result of this epidemic. You see that the risen Christ now walks abroad and serves our broken, needy world. May we follow in his steps and walk with him, bringing his love to heal and bless.

  2. Amanda Goulding

    Dear Malcolm,, Thank you so much for this Easter 2020 poem – you have put your finger on it – or maybe your tongue, but best, your heart.

    Many thanks,


    The Rev’d Amanda Goulding BTh (Hons), Assistant Priest, St Bartholomew & St Lawrence with St Swithun, Winchester.

    Chair – Space in the City – www,spaceinthecity.org.uk

    Long Valley, Deane Down Drove, Littleton, Winchester. SO22 6PP. Tel: 01962 884585


  3. Great poem, Malcolm.

    If anything, at least this strange time has brought home to everyone how much we need the physical presence of others, and the beauty of nature; and how much the practice of our religions is about physical embodiment and community.

    I love the idea of Christ out there with the nurses among the sick. Exactly right. Reminds me of St Theresa’s poem “Christ’s hands” and also a poem in a Unitarian poetry anthology, “My Disabled God”, which has a similar theme.

    Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
    ~ Teresa of Avila

    • malcolmguite

      Thanks Yvonne, I was despairing whether I could write at all in this crisis and this poem came and gripped me at the end of Good friday and I finished writing it yesterday

      • Yes I know what you mean, my writing has been paralyzed like that for a while (with the occasional exception).

        Did you see the silent churches poem by Gilo? I think you’d like it.

  4. Fiona Fox

    Thank you for your wonderful, moving, thought provoking and eloquent poems which have been such a great gift to us this Easter. We have wept and rejoiced with you!

  5. jerome2judith

    Love this. Risen Indeed!!🙌

    Sent from my iPhone


  6. Mike Koncsics

    This is an excellent twin to your original Easter poem. The crisis has revealed cracks in our usually solid looking world. Your new poem brings in light through the cracks.

  7. What consolation – uttering what we now tentatively know in a new way. Christ with the dying, holding them and speaking softly to them because their loved ones cannot be there; he is indeed the loved one we share, and when our moment of death comes, he will be there.

  8. Nancy Marshall

    I’m a nurse….this was so powerful to me. Thank you.

    • malcolmguite

      Thanks Nancy – as a nurse you are one of the very people it was written for – thank you so much for your work

  9. Heideh Ekhvanossafa

    Yes! He Is Living every where and giving all of us the exact Life we are willing to live by!

    Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________

  10. philippe.garmy@okstate.edu

    If there is any message Christians can carry from Good Friday and Easter to a world darkened by a pandemic, it’s that meaningless suffering is the goal of the devil, and bringing meaning out of suffering is the saving work of God.

  11. Timothy Sawyer

    This is remarkable! So happy to be introduced to you last summer in Cambridge. What a gift! Happy Easter to you and yours. SDG

  12. Tess

    Thank you for this beautiful application of Jesus hands & works in words. I’m moved and can see Jesus at work even more clearly today through others ‘ordinary’ hands 🙏➕

  13. Zoe Myers

    Thank you for this perfect reminder of who Christ is and how He and His church are serving and should serve the world in this pandemic. Challenging and comforting words as we grieve the absence of corporate worship and fellowship.

  14. Sally Brodhurst

    Dear Malcolm,

    I hope this reaches you! I just wanted to thank you so much for the inspiration you have been all this strange Holy Week and Easter. Your sonnets, old and new, have just hit the spot right and been very uplifting, along with your comments accompanying them. This one for Easter 2020 has had me weeping. You are able to express the profound and make it so relevant. Truly Jesus is working harder than ever this Lent and Easter, right in our midst.

    With warm good wishes,

    Sally from Oxford (St Mary’s Iffley)

  15. Heartfelt thanks to you, sir!

    Heartfilling praise to our common Savior!

  16. Reblogged this on Pastor Michael Moore's Blog and commented:
    Beautifully said, Malcolm!

  17. Simply beautiful, Malcolm!

  18. He is risen indeed. And out in the world. Knocking on doors, greeting His own with Easter Peace.

  19. Jo kay

    Thank you malcolm for a beautiful New poem. I absolutely love it. Jo

  20. Julia Arkell

    Thank you. Your poem was sent me by my sister.
    It says what many struggle to put into words.

    The question so many ask ‘Where is God in this? Right there in each one with Covid 19 and in those who care for them.


  21. Marion Cobby

    This is just wonderful, thank you so much.

  22. Revd. M. Young

    May I join others who have commented here, to say a huge thank you to you Malcolm for all that you’ve shared with us this Lent and particularly Holy Week? Like you, I have been distressed at the circumstances in which we clergy find ourselves, but your words and seeing you have been such a comfort and help to me, and brought me through. I do hope that you continue – if it’s not too much of an ask – to invite us into your study for chats and sharing. Thank you, and bless you.

  23. Susan Plett

    Malcolm in the last few weeks and months, every post, video, and poem you share has made me think of Esther 4:14.

    “For such a time as this” …you are bringing hope, comfort, the presence of God, in your gentle, godly, good-natured unassuming way. To so many of us.

    “I bless the interweaving of our ways.”

    With deep respect

  24. Jude Peters

    Beautiful! Thank you for putting into words what many of us are feeling but unable to articulate.

  25. Sue Evans

    Thank, thank you Malcolm, and we thank God for the incredible gift he has given you. To don His apron with a nurse………..what a wonderful, uplifting thought. Sue Evans

  26. Monica Doyle

    What a beautiful poem Malcolm.. I love the image you created of Jesus lost in our locked Churches… no need for that!! He knows where he’s needed most…

    Bravo!! 👏

  27. Deirdre Bryant

    Your poem for today goes straight to the heart of now. Thank you. I have shared it, of course. Happy Easter, Malcolm.

  28. Sister Rosemary Gallagher

    So profound so moving, it captures the reality of Christ among us so vivdl5

  29. Barbara

    Wow. My favourite of your poems. Took my breath away. Thankyou

  30. Rob Matthews

    Really moving poem have really got the feeling of this very strange but somehow familiar Easter
    Thank you

  31. Thank you! Easter 2020 is rich indeed with offerings like yours and musical classics, too. Praise to God!

  32. Janey Smith

    Thank you for this new Easter poem. As my father lays in ICU struggling with this awful virus we, my mother, brother, sister and I so long to be with him and hold his hand. We trust that Jesus is near him though, holding his hand like we want to do. Thankful for our great Hope and for the One who conquered death. Hallelujah – Janey Smith Austin, TX

    Sent from my iPhone


    • malcolmguite

      Oh Janey I’m sorry to hear this and pray for your father and the whole heart of this poem is to say that even when we can’t be close to our loved ones Jesus is there, as the psalmist says of him ‘thou art with me thy rod and staff comfort me

  33. Reblogged this on Musings and commented:
    On this most unusual of Easters, in the midst of COVID-19, I read this newly written poem by Malcolm Guite.

  34. Janet Murchison

    Jesus is wherever someone whispers his name. You have written or been helped by Spirit to write a meaningful poem about this sad and strange Easter Day.

  35. If ever we needed evidence that God is among us, we see it now. An uncountable rollcall of Humanity who show the very essence of the Christian Spirit which we had thought was lost. Thankyou for a simple but elegeic poem which portrays just that.

  36. Gillian Wallace

    Thank you so much for your beautiful, powerful words. We read your Holy Saturday / Everything Is Still poem at our Holy Saturday service and this one today at our Easter service at St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Ottawa, Canada. People were very much moved by both.

  37. Diana Jauchen

    Love this!💚

  38. Just newly discovered your poems – and they have been a blessing. Thank you.

  39. Thank you for such insightful brilliant poetry I hope that it will help my friends and family as much as it did me to understand Jesus’ workings in our world

  40. Pingback: Poems VIII (and a picture too) – View from the Teapot

  41. Pingback: Nursing – the determination and kindness of humanity | Contemplation in the shadow of a carpark

  42. Thank you for this beautiful and thought-provoking poem, which speaks so directly and insightfully into the strange Easter we’ve all been experiencing. I was guided to it by a parishioner. I would very much like to re-produce it in a weekly publication I send around to other parishioners (in the parish of St Faith, Havant, UK) – a sort of ‘extended Pew Sheet’ to keep folks in touch and praying during these locked-down days. May I have your permission to do so? Canon Tom Kennar, Rector of St Faith’s, Havant.

  43. Ann Hannaforf

    So powerful and relevant! Thank you for this Easter 2020 gift!

  44. blogger5926

    I am new to WordPress and Mr. Malcolm Guite. I was led to this sight because I needed to hear from other Believers. I agree with the poem; I see Jesus set free to touch more lives and bring the reality of His existence to those who thought Him far removed from themselves. Thank you, Mr. Guite; He has truly risen indeed.

  45. It seems to be a theme at the moment that God is breaking out of our trammeled expectations of Him, breaking the church out of its expectations of itself, and breaking the world out of its expectations of what constitutes ‘normal’.
    And whenever God breaks something – His body, tomb seals, hearts, chains – He does so to bring new life.

  46. Ann Heslop

    So inspirational thank you My lovely husband Ray died Easter morning so very relevant Bless you Ann Heslop

    • malcolmguite

      Oh Ann I’m so sorry to hear your news but if my poem has helped you in any way then it was well worth the writing M

  47. mary.dorey35@gmail.com

    Dear Malcolm,

    Many thanks for resending this sonnet: I thought I wold send you my daughter Annie’s response.

    Many thanks and Happy Eastertime (self-isolating like me?)

    Love to you and Maggie,


    Hi Mum

    This is beautiful. Both the dedication and the poem itself got me a bit choked up.

    Love you LOADS

    Annie xxxx

    • malcolmguite

      Thanks Mary. I was so pleased to see you at the reading in Trinity and sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk afterwards M

  48. Ange Sampson

    Ange Sampson….just wow 💖

  49. Pingback: Soul Care Resources for COVID-19 | Fading Margins

  50. Damaris mosley

    This is a beautiful expression. I’m so glad for it’s truth!

  51. kevin Nicholson

    wow…a visual picture of our front line with our LORD JESUS working in the midst of the chaos.thankyou malcolm

  52. Wow that is so beautiful especially in light of current times. Thanks for that

  53. John Young

    Thank you so much for this. Risen indeed.

  54. Pingback: ‘Easter 2020’: A New Poem – Minutes for Christ

  55. bgulland72

    beautiful portrayal of the risen Jesus’ present ministry

  56. Pingback: Discipleship in Difficult Days 8 My Joy, Christ is Risen!

  57. Vera Ivanova

    Thanks a million! Nowadays and generally this is also my idea and perception of the real faith and now this is my Jesus Christ!

  58. Pingback: Don’t Touch – words for Low Sunday – suffolkvicar

  59. Amanda Palmer

    Impressive! Really reaches deep!

  60. Alan McCullough - Hillsborough Co. Down

    Our minister read this out this morning during our online service. What a beautiful and uplifting poem. People should read this and reflect upon it.

  61. Hi Malcolm, I was wondering if you would be interested in reading the new blog I just developed. Your poem got me thinking as my first major blog post was about the secular and religious histories of Easter. Let me know and I will leave the link here. Many thanks!

  62. Pingback: Bulletin for the 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER – DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 19th April 2020

  63. Fashion queen

    Love, love this

  64. So very beautifully written.

  65. markmosleycarepointhccom

    You lift us through the dark place. Thank you

  66. alex praize

    well thought of and well written. thanks
    https://gospelmusic2021.org/“>GOSPEL MUSIC

  67. alex praize

    # thenignews.com> as Easter bell rang ; agony of the season, life exiting d earth, church empty; doctors and nurses like armies run back to save life ,


  68. writercaitshea

    beautiful poem

  69. Pingback: Poem for the Third Sunday of Easter - contemplative at home

  70. Kathi Davenport

    Touched me deeply. Thank you!

  71. I am still in the heart of Easter, even more so than in the grip of COVID-19. This poem so helps me to be in both for this time, for this most Easter of Easters. I am in a small house of prayer in Canada (Saskatchewan); we have a modest Blog – https://qhpconnection.blogspot.com/. Would so much like to reprint your poem, with link to your website, with your permission.

  72. Pingback: In Times of Uncertainty by Marjorie Lamp Mead | Off the Shelf

  73. loved the way you expressed and each and every word came to its place… indeed the Good Friday was celebrated on many places.

  74. Exquisitely wrought and written

  75. you got a few new admirers with that one Malcolm. My prayer is that more of your supporters and followers will experience the true power of the Name and the Resurrection Power of Jesus

  76. Pingback: Keeping in Touch 9th July – Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice

  77. Pingback: Easter 2000 – Radix

  78. Pingback: “The God Who Tents With Us” : A Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent – Sunday, December 21, 2020 – All Saints King City

  79. Wonderful. Thank you, Malcolm. Still gloriously joyful 3 years later.

  80. Lynn Pettigrew-Norris

    It’s four years later. I’m reading your poem in church tomorrow at a church restart. Our other church permanently closed last year right after Easter. Thank you.

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